Mao Mao gang members being detained in San Salvador, El Salvador.

The homicide scene of a police officer in outskirts San Salvador, El Salvador.

An armed civilian stands on patrol in the Anemona Community in San Martin just outside of San Salvador.

A Barrio 18 gang member incarcerated at Lourdes Prison just outside of San Salvador. He is currently serving a 25 year prison sentence on weapons charges. After spending the majority of his life in Los Angeles, California, he speaks English with flawless American accent.

A suspected gang member being detained in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A suspected gang member shows the scars from a gunshot wound in San Salvador, El Salvador.

A mountain view of Colón, La Libertad, just outside of San Salvador. As gang activity is being suppressed in the urban areas of El Salvador, low and mid level gang members have developed guerilla style tactics and have been living in makeshift camps in the rural mountain regions. They have also started burying their victims in clandestine cemeteries. As opposed to leaving bodies in open areas, the rationale is that if there is no body, it will draw less attention from the police.

In the gang controlled neighbourhoods of Honduras, there are limited options for residents when facing the threat of violence. In a country with understaffed police forces, Hondurans must leave the country to ensure their safety. Two of Gladys’ sons were murdered by gang members when they were 19 and 22 years old. When her third son, Yoni, risked the same fate, he fled to the United States. And now, her two daughters have received threats as well. El Progreso, Honduras

A suspected gang member detained in the Anemona Community in San Martin just outside of San Salvador.

Mara Salvatrucha graffiti in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

A metal coffin in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Melvin Eduardo Martinez Melara, a former Barrio 18 gang member. While serving a prison sentence he decided to leave gang life after 14 years of crime. Since then, he has been living with an organization in San Salvador that helps reform gang members. He has been receiving intensive tattoo removal treatments with the hope that one day he can reenter society. The process of removing all of his tattoos will take up to two years. In the meantime, he must remain within the organization building to avoid retaliation from the gangs.

Melvin Eduardo Martinez Melara receiving a tattoo removal treatment.

Barrio 18 gang tattoos.

Sergio Montaban is a former taxi driver in El Progreso, Honduras. Some days he was only bringing home $1.63 USD after gang extortion rates and car rental, but when a second gang also began demanding payment and he couldn't pay, his son was killed as retribution.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

San Salvador, El Salvador.

San Salvador, El Salvador.

Crosses in a ditch marking the location where three dead bodies were found. San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

San Salvador, El Salvador.

Homes abandoned by their owners fleeing gang violence. With 300 people leaving Honduras everyday, this sight is becoming more frequent throughout the country. Once left, these houses are often looted of everything, including roofs and doors, within 24 hours. El Progreso, Honduras.

Police frisk and ID a bus full of men in Rivera Hernandez. San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

San Salvador, El Salvador.

Delma Suyapa Hernandez holds up an article reporting on the murder of her husband. Since then, four of her sons have also been killed by gangs. El Progreso, Honduras.

Children as young as 6 are groomed for gang activity. They are given small assignments such as running errands or being lookouts. Mauricio was a member of MS-13 at age 10. Now 13, he has been given the rare opportunity to escape gang life by living with a foundation for children and attending school. El Progreso, Honduras.

Los Vatos Locos gang members who were arrested on the street while in possession of an AK-47. San Pedro Sula, Honduras,

San Salvador, El Salvador.

A Barrio 18 gang member holding a pistol in San Salvador.

San Salvador, El Salvador.

A police officer searching a "destroyer house" in San Salvador, El Salvador. These abandoned buildings are used by gangs to torture and murder rival gang members.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

An MS-13 gang leader, known as Marvin 'The Psycho', sits inside his home in San Salvador, El Salvador. High ranking gang members are becoming increasingly more reclusive due to clashes with police. At age 37, he attributes the length of his career to his belief in God.

The homicide scene of a gang member named “Stupid Ant” in the outskirts of San Salvador, El Salvador.

Mao Mao gang members being detained in San Salvador, El Salvador.
The homicide scene of a police officer in outskirts San Salvador, El Salvador.
An armed civilian stands on patrol in the Anemona Community in San Martin just outside of San Salvador.
A Barrio 18 gang member incarcerated at Lourdes Prison just outside of San Salvador. He is currently serving a 25 year prison sentence on weapons charges. After spending the majority of his life in Los Angeles, California, he speaks English with flawless American accent.
A suspected gang member being detained in San Salvador, El Salvador.
A suspected gang member shows the scars from a gunshot wound in San Salvador, El Salvador.
A mountain view of Colón, La Libertad, just outside of San Salvador. As gang activity is being suppressed in the urban areas of El Salvador, low and mid level gang members have developed guerilla style tactics and have been living in makeshift camps in the rural mountain regions. They have also started burying their victims in clandestine cemeteries. As opposed to leaving bodies in open areas, the rationale is that if there is no body, it will draw less attention from the police.
In the gang controlled neighbourhoods of Honduras, there are limited options for residents when facing the threat of violence. In a country with understaffed police forces, Hondurans must leave the country to ensure their safety. Two of Gladys’ sons were murdered by gang members when they were 19 and 22 years old. When her third son, Yoni, risked the same fate, he fled to the United States. And now, her two daughters have received threats as well. El Progreso, Honduras
A suspected gang member detained in the Anemona Community in San Martin just outside of San Salvador.
Mara Salvatrucha graffiti in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
A metal coffin in San Salvador, El Salvador.
Melvin Eduardo Martinez Melara, a former Barrio 18 gang member. While serving a prison sentence he decided to leave gang life after 14 years of crime. Since then, he has been living with an organization in San Salvador that helps reform gang members. He has been receiving intensive tattoo removal treatments with the hope that one day he can reenter society. The process of removing all of his tattoos will take up to two years. In the meantime, he must remain within the organization building to avoid retaliation from the gangs.
Melvin Eduardo Martinez Melara receiving a tattoo removal treatment.
Barrio 18 gang tattoos.
Sergio Montaban is a former taxi driver in El Progreso, Honduras. Some days he was only bringing home $1.63 USD after gang extortion rates and car rental, but when a second gang also began demanding payment and he couldn't pay, his son was killed as retribution.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
San Salvador, El Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.
Crosses in a ditch marking the location where three dead bodies were found. San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
San Salvador, El Salvador.
Homes abandoned by their owners fleeing gang violence. With 300 people leaving Honduras everyday, this sight is becoming more frequent throughout the country. Once left, these houses are often looted of everything, including roofs and doors, within 24 hours. El Progreso, Honduras.
Police frisk and ID a bus full of men in Rivera Hernandez. San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
San Salvador, El Salvador.
Delma Suyapa Hernandez holds up an article reporting on the murder of her husband. Since then, four of her sons have also been killed by gangs. El Progreso, Honduras.
Children as young as 6 are groomed for gang activity. They are given small assignments such as running errands or being lookouts. Mauricio was a member of MS-13 at age 10. Now 13, he has been given the rare opportunity to escape gang life by living with a foundation for children and attending school. El Progreso, Honduras.
Los Vatos Locos gang members who were arrested on the street while in possession of an AK-47. San Pedro Sula, Honduras,
San Salvador, El Salvador.
A Barrio 18 gang member holding a pistol in San Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.
A police officer searching a "destroyer house" in San Salvador, El Salvador. These abandoned buildings are used by gangs to torture and murder rival gang members.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
An MS-13 gang leader, known as Marvin 'The Psycho', sits inside his home in San Salvador, El Salvador. High ranking gang members are becoming increasingly more reclusive due to clashes with police. At age 37, he attributes the length of his career to his belief in God.
The homicide scene of a gang member named “Stupid Ant” in the outskirts of San Salvador, El Salvador.